New Chapter

Created by Jennifer 14 years ago
Your Daddy drove me to the hospital on the afternoon of June 1st 2007 with me in the passenger seat having contractions..., on arrival, they hooked me to the fetal monitoring machine. My doctor was talking me through what was going on but I got nervous when she went silent. Then she said "I'm so sorry your baby has no heartbeat; he's gone." I screamed and cried into your daddy's arms and thought "how could this be happening?" They had to sedate me because I started hyperventilating. The doctor called for an emergency C-section, and they also put me under so I would not be awake when you were born. I was told later on that after they delivered my you, I started to bleed uncontrollably. My doctor said that she knew she couldn't save you, but she wasn't going to lose me, too. After the surgery still groggy from being sedated, all I could think about was how my doctor had said everything looked great 3 days earlier during my OB-GYN appointment. When I was awake enough to comprehend everything, they told me that my family and I only had so much time to spend with my beautiful baby boy. It was difficult to grasp that my baby wasn't going to open his eyes. I wanted that moment to last forever, trying so hard to memorize the face of my lifeless angel. But when the doctor said "it's time to let him go," I knew I would never hold you again. Sitting there next to me, your daddy tried so hard to be strong, but in the end the tears and emotions won. Family and friends visited, bearing condolence gifts and support. Tears were shed and hugs were given. If someone had talked to me I wouldn't have known, I was in complete shock.